Wood coatings

A variety of benefits for wood coatings
Whether you need to improve a UV coating, extend your titanium dioxide, increase transparency or boost blocking, we have natural products that can enhance your wood coatings.
Hydrous kaolin, perlite and talc* all impart qualities to wood coatings, for applications including parquet flooring, doors, windows and furniture. Benefits include improved barrier properties, UV and weather resistance, increased impermeability and microporosity, allowing the wood to breathe.
For optical enhancement, our minerals can boost matting and transparency, and they will help to toughen up coatings, improving cracking and scrub resistance. Or, if you’re looking to cut costs on raw materials or reduce the portion of VOCs in your mix, we have product lines to help with this, too.
Our formulations are compatible with all solvent borne coatings, such as alkyd, and waterborne binder bases such as acrylics, polyurethanes, polyesters, melamine resins, epoxies and oils. Ask our teams about PolsperseTM, ImerCureTM, ClearLiteⓇ and JetfineⓇ, today.
*Talc products are not available in the USA and Canada. Contact us for an alternative range.