
The catalyzing force to engineer mineral and organic solutions for drymix mortar
With over 40 years of experience in building chemistry applications, Peramin products offer a range of additives that provide formulators with specific levers of control to improve the rheology, performance and surface appearance of portland cement, calcium aluminate or calcium sulfate-based drymix mortars. Peramin is our organic offer, complementary to our minerals offer.
The Peramin product range used in flooring compounds offers both multiple advantages, ranging from ease and safety of use to high productivity on job sites, and multiple solutions for self-leveling screeds and underlayments, as well as industrial and decorative floors.
When Peramin products are used in tile adhesives and grouts for ceramic wall and floor tiles as well as natural stone tiles, it ensures the longevity of the tile system, especially when choices are guided by our in-house experts.
Peramin solutions for technical mortars provide high-output concrete protection and repair that ultimately provide a longer lifespan to buildings and infrastructure. This category of mortars covers four main market segments: concrete repair, waterproofing, roadworks and grouting.
Peramin solutions for walls and facades encompass a wide range of applications that include plasters, renders, paints and Exterior Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS).
The Peramin product range also provides solutions for refractory, under REFPAC brand, and oil and gas industries. Performance additives are the backbone of modern refractory materials with superplasticizers being critical in low cement castables and ultra-low cement castables used in contact with molten steel and other high erosion, high corrosion environments to achieve the low water and high density requirements. For oil and gas, performance additives are used to control specialty binder hydration in all extreme environments: deep water, geothermal wells cementing.