Mortars for tile fixing & grouting

Mineral solutions for fixing tiles and grouting
When it comes to tiling, it’s all about achieving the best possible level of adhesion (thick or thin bed) between your ceramic, natural stone, marble or glass tiles with a wide variety of supports such as concrete slab, cement or anhydrite screed, wood, ceramic tiles or even PVC. The tile grout completes the picture by sealing newly tiled surface.
In the world of rapid set tile adhesives, you’re looking to enable your mortars to allow craftsmen to lay and grout tiles on the same day, in turn allowing them to assure their clients a rapid return to service. For natural stone and marble adhesives, you’re looking to combine high performance for adhesion with aesthetics so that the end result complements the floor appearance. Fluid adhesives allow greater ease of application and use with large format tiles.
For grouts, calcium aluminate technology is essential. They play a critical role in the finished appearance of both ceramic and stone tiles, as well as avoiding any imperfections along the way. Aesthetically, too, they complete the look when mixed with the pigment of choice.
Our TERNAL® range of Calcium Aluminates Technologies, supplemented by our Peramin® range of additives, has been especially developed to meet the exacting needs of building chemistry formulators in terms of consistency, color and reactivity, fast return to service, improved productivity of the construction process, flexible color choices and improved aesthetics with color stability over time.