
ImerFert nutrient binders and soil improvers
Our zeolite based ImerFert range, ImerFert Z, is a cost-effective, natural nutrient binder and water retention solution designed to increase the performance of your soil, soil improvers and fertilizer products.
ImerFert Z attracts and retains macro- and micronutrients
ImerFert Z is composed of a complex lattice structure capable of absorbing and retaining nutrients and water. Due to its high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and specific granulometry, ImerFert Z binds with, and holds on to, primary and secondary macro and micronutrients in the soil - including nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper - slowly releasing the nutrients to the plants to foster optimal growth.
ImerFert Z improves water retention and soil structure
Composed of a highly porous honeycomb structure of channels and cavities, ImerFert Z readily absorbs water, slowly releasing it to plants, improving water availability and preventing plants from getting waterlogged. It improves the structure and porosity of the soil, providing an optimized environment for root growth, water infiltration and drainage.
Our ImerFert Z range is suitable for use as a standalone soil improvement solution or in combination with your existing fertilizer or soil improver product formulations.
Key benefits
- High CEC performance
- Increased nutrient retention
- Better Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) indicator
- Optimal water usage
- Improved soil structure
- Low dust
- Easy to formulate
- Reduced costs
- Natural solution
ImerFert Z european zeolites are premium-quality, natural clinoptilolite zeolites produced at our Beli Plast operation in southern Bulgaria from ore containing over 85% clinoptilolite.
Contact our EMEA teams for more information about this grade.
ImerFert Plant Available Silicons (PAS)
Our wollastonite and diatomaceous earth (DE) based ImerFert ranges, ImerFert WSi and ImerFert DSi, are effective natural solutions for enriching your biostimulants, fertilizers and growing media - or your soils directly - with Plant Available Silicon (PAS).
Although silicon is not widely recognised as an essential element for plants - since most will grow normally without it - the beneficial effects of plant-available silicon have been observed in a wide variety of plant species, including increased production yield and improved resistance to disease and environmental stressors.
Silicon (Si) uptake takes place through certain genes located in the plant's roots. The bioavailable silicon is then translocated from the roots to the leaves where it is incorporated into the leaf tissue as phytoliths, the rigid, microscopic silica structures that protect the plant against fungi, insects and herbivores. Our Agriculture teams have studied this uptake mechanism and tested various minerals from our extensive portfolio to find the most effective mineral solutions for providing plant bioavailable silicon.
ImerFert PAS solutions improve your return on investment
ImerFert PAS solutions are engineered minerals that provide plant available silicon, designed for easy incorporation into formulations. Growers have confirmed benefits in over 60 trials in 8 countries across 3 continents with a typical Return on Investment (ROI) between 5 to 10 times.
Key benefits
- Reduced disease pressure and metal toxicity
- Improved biotic and abiotic stress resistance
- Healthier plants leading to better yields (5-10 x ROI)
- Synergistic improvent on NUE
- Longer shelf life
- High purity and stable chemical composition due to a wet beneficiation process
- ISO certified production sites
- Monitoring of heavy metals
- Reliable supply thanks to vast production capacity
- Wide distribution network
In Europe, we offer 3 silicon-donor products, each designed for a specific application:
- ImerFert WSi L11: a micronized grade specifically designed for liquid biostimulant and specialty fertilizer suspensions
- ImerFert WSi F05: the ideal bulk density for all solid fertilizer formulations
- ImerFert WSi G87: appropriate sized particles which can be easily added to growing substrate blends
Si extraction rates for various minerals
As shown below, wollastonite, which is a calcium silicate, offers the most available form of Si among natural minerals.
It also provides a slow release source of calcium. Si was extracted using the CaCI2 method and determined by ICP.
Contact our EMEA teams for more information about our European grades.
ImerFert DSi diatomite-based biostimulant
- Designed for incorporation into fertilizer compositions or direct application to crops via fertigation or foliar application tank-mixed with other plant protection products.
- 92% SiO2, water dispersible powder
ImerFert WSi wollastonite-based biostimulant
- Designed for incorporation into composts, soil amendments or fertilizer compositions.
- Highest plant available silicon level per kilo added
Contact our team for more information about our American grades.
Collaborate with Imerys
Let us be your trusted partner for mineral solutions. Partnering with Imerys means gaining access to our extensive scientific expertise, state-of-the-art technology centers, and a proactive team that is committed to understanding and meeting your unique research and development requirements.
We are devoted to helping you create new product solutions to meet evolving global challenges.
Contact us today to see how we can work together to create innovative, sustainable solutions for the future.