Calcium aluminate binders for the construction industry
Specifically developed to meet the most stringent demands of building chemistry manufacturers in terms of consistency, performance, colour and reactivity, our TERNAL range of calcium aluminate binders offers a wide choice of guaranteed characteristics and specifications for dry-mix mortar producers.
The TERNAL product range represents the latest in industrial innovation and performance reliability, developed to offer improved properties and play a vital role in the development of equally innovative solutions. It forms part of the composition of specialty mortars, in association with other hydraulic binders (such as Portland cement, calcium sulfates, lime, etc.), aggregates (limestone, silica sand, pozzolanic materials, etc.), polymers and organic admixtures.
Depending on the intended end use, our TERNAL products provide specific functions ranging from the control of setting time, rapid hardening or fast drying to size variation control, color stability and durability to corrosion and abrasion resistance and high mechanical strength.
Key benefits
- Ease of use
- Protection and robustness
- Visual comfort
- Lean-mix design
Key Products
Powering performance consistency
TERNAL Legend is the calcium aluminate binder of choice for applications where performance consistency is key. It is especially designed for 15+ ingredient mortars where mastering interactions between all those ingredients are a must - e.g. in self-leveling underlayments.
TERNAL Legend Plus secures the long-term performance of drymix mortars, boosting performance consistency with time and making possible to extend the mortars’ shelf-life up to 12 months – even in paper bags.
TERNAL Legend Plus is efficiently protected against moisture adsorption.
TERNAL Speed is the calcium aluminate binder of choice for drymix mortars demanding an additional boost of reactivity especially at early ages and/or at low temperatures.
TERNAL Speed is very suitable for OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement)-rich technical mortars.
TERNAL Smart is specifically engineered for the development of binary binders’ formulations with a suitable source of calcium sulfate.
TERNAL Smart does not not require the use of Portland cement in formulation: It allows easy formulation logic and powers stronger robustness e.g. to environmental conditions.
TERNAL Smart powers outstanding drying performance and early strengths to flooring compounds, compared to classical ternary systems. It contributes to a lower environmental footprint and eases the formulation of an entire range of flooring compounds, from mid to high performance.
TERNAL Boost is a family of calcium aluminate-based accelerators for ordinary Portland cement.
Easy-to-use, they are made for concrete repair, grouts and fixing mortars.
TERNAL Boost includes an easy-to-use off-white binder for decorative purposes.
TERNAL Calcoat is the calcium aluminate binder of choice whenever a light final color is required. TERNAL Calcoat's color is intermediate between that of TERNAL Legend and TERNAL White.
Substitution of either of these products by TERNAL Calcoat will demand little or no reformulation work.
TERNAL Calcoat is perfectly suitable for concrete repair mortars or wall levelers.
TERNAL Xtrem is the calcium aluminate binder of choice for drymix mortars that have to resist to extreme solicitations such as vibrations, impacts and high loads.
TERNAL Xtrem is especially recommended for technical mortars and industrial floors.
TERNAL White is the binder of choice for all decorative applications.
TERNAL White is a white calcium aluminate binder powering color stability, brightness and non-efflorescence to drymix mortars.
TERNAL White also powers the reference functions of calcium aluminate e.g. early strengths, quick & self-drying.