Cryolite 200
Cryolite 200 for cryogenic insulation
When it comes to keeping liquefied gasses from boiling at temperatures as low as -269°C (-452°F), perlite is widely preferred for its low thermal conductivity, cost, ease of handling, non-flammability and low moisture retention. The versatility of our Cryolite 200 perlite makes it very well suited for insulating cryogenic and low temperature storage tanks, air separation units, cold boxes, nitrogen, oxygen, argon and LNG storage facilities, and even food processing units.
Higher grade perlite for greater advantages at lower temperatures
Using a higher grade for our Cryolite 200 perlite allows us to create a final expanded product that is lighter, with a more uniform particle size distribution and has a subsequent lower weight per volume — translating into greater thermal conductivity.
Cryolite 200 also offers several noticeable mechanical advantages:
- Compact density between 2.0-2.5 lbs/ft3 vs industry average of 2.5-4.0 lbs/ft3
- Lighter compact density reduces stresses to the tank walls
- Improved thermal conductivity reduces boil-off
- When used in cold-box applications, Cryolite 200’s lighter density produces less stress on pipe movement during cool down, in turn reducing pipe breakage.
- Reduce maintenance costs
- Fill tank and cold boxes quicker, resulting in projects finishing faster
Cryolite 200 perlite has a loose density of 1.5 to 1.95 pcf and a compacted density of 2.0 to 2.5 pcf. Its mean thermal conductivity averages 0.0340-0.0360 (W/mK) at 0°C (32°F), with testing done by the industry’s leading Cryogenic research institute at the University of Southampton, UK.