Showcasing the many innovations of calcium aluminates
Representing only 0.1% of global cement usage, calcium aluminate specialty binders are true enablers in the world of construction, allowing builders to save time, boost productivity and leverage many innovations and sustainable options.

Earlier this month, the world’s greatest calcium aluminate minds met in Cambridge, UK, for a scientific conference devoted to the exciting recent developments, emerging technologies and environmental impact of this extensively used specialty binder.
A very special specialty binder
One of Imerys’ most historic solutions, calcium aluminate plays a major role in advances in materials and formulation technology, displaying a range of exceptional properties such as high corrosion, abrasion and heat resistance and rapid setting. A high value specialty binder, it is designed for special applications that range from high-heat refractories and moderate acid-resistant uses to those that require high-early-strength and quick-setting, in addition to shrinkage-compensating binders. Recently, calcium aluminates are also considered more environmentally sustainable due to the reduced carbon emissions created during their production and less binder per volume needed in a functioning mix.
A meeting of the world’s top calcium aluminate minds
Hosted every four years, with a two-year delay due to the pandemic, the latest and fifth edition of the International Conference on Calcium Aluminates (external link) was hosted in Cambridge, UK, from 18 to 20 July. The scientific conference brings together the world’s top calcium aluminate experts, academics and producers to discuss and present a wide range of related topics including everything from manufacture, mineralogy, microstructure and fresh and mechanical properties to admixtures, durability, blended systems, applications and, of course, future trends. Keynote speakers are invited to present their papers on the latest innovations in these various fields. Imerys, as world leader in calcium aluminate production, sponsored the event, and sent a sizable delegation to attend and take part in the exchanges and discussions with their industry peers.
Imerys scientists from our Technology Center in Lyon, France presented their latest findings on three publications during the event along with 7 scientific papers authored by their academic partners. These covered new formulations, ultra-reactive specialty binders and hydration modeling.
The world’s leading calcium aluminates lab
Built in 2010, Imerys’ Lyon Technology Center in France, home to many of the scientists who attended the conference, specializes, amongst other things, in high-temperature materials. It is considered the global center of excellence for calcium aluminate research and innovation, as well as an invaluable hub for support and collaboration for its customers and partners. The site hosts a 5,000m2 laboratory for about 90 personnel. Together, they work hard to provide technical support to customers and develop new products and processes. Recently, a new pilot facility was opened to expand the scope to work on new high-performance minerals.