Business news

Imerys’ vision for sustainable construction – The latest market trends

Imerys shares its vision for sustainable construction at World of Concrete, the world’s largest concrete industry trade fair.

Sustainable Construction and world of Concrete

The biggest annual gathering in concrete

Held annually in Las Vegas, World of Concrete brings together professionals from all parts of the construction industry to discover the latest products and technologies as well as discuss the wider industry trends and challenges.

This year, Imerys has a booth for the first time in addition to hosting its regular hospitality event, enabling it to fully share its sustainable solutions and vision with clients and industry stakeholders. As Laurent Torres, Marketing Director for Building & Infrastructure at Imerys says: “What better place to showcase Imerys’ vision for sustainable construction?”

Sustainable construction with Imerys

As an integral partner to the construction industry, Imerys has a real, vested interest in helping the construction industry achieve its goals for a more sustainable future. This includes enabling improvements and innovations in areas such as sustainable offerings and production, as well as contributing to the circular economy.

Constructors’ needs change constantly, be it for reasons of trends, technology, regulation, demand, need, or even a simple desire. When it comes to reasons related to sustainable concrete, producers can access Imerys’ large product portfolio to lower the use of clinkers (Kaolinite Clay, Metastar®, Argical®, Pozzolan Perlite, fine grade Micrasil®), binders (Specialty Binder LEAP®, Ternal® E-Technology) and concrete (Sewperliner®, Mineral Foam, Lightweight Screed & “Shrinkcomp”) for new end solutions.

Beyond the products themselves, Imerys aims to help meet the industry’s challenges by promoting alternative fuels as well as more innovative and sustainable raw materials combined with smarter processes to reduce emissions. By factoring in the circular economy of products, Imerys helps the construction industry do more with less, extending the lifecycle of building materials and using its specialty minerals expertise to support the transition to Net Zero. 

Sustainability for the generations to come

The increasing importance of sustainability in construction is a catalyst for fundamental change in the industry. Working with Imerys means partnering with a world leader in high-performance mineral solutions which puts durability and sustainability at the heart of construction. 

“Imerys is everywhere. It really is,” explains Laurent. “From the buildings we all inhabit to the infrastructure under our feet, it is part of the fabric of everyday life. Whether above ground or below, our products and solutions ensure projects stand the test of time.” It is important to have the discussion about sustainability, says Laurent, because “the work we do today is literally here for generations.”

If you are heading to World of Concrete 2023, the Imerys team is looking forward to continuing the discussion with you.

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