Protecting the planet

We are conscious of the impact our activity can have on the natural world and we are working to reduce it. For example, we are improving the way we monitor water in order to better manage this resource.
Helping biodiversity flourish
Imerys has a structured approach to biodiversity preservation across the Group, with a new roadmap, rolled out in 2021. It notably requires all our sites to take into account impacts on natural habitats and to put in place mitigation measures covering the whole operation cycle.
Preserving natural resources
We are working to improve our water management policy across all current and future operations around the world. Also, to preserve mineral resources, we introduce reclaimed raw materials where possible in existing product solutions.
Nurturing scientific partnerships for the long term
We have a comprehensive network of partnerships with experts, scientific bodies, international organizations and industry leaders that allow us to combine resources and expertise so we can make a difference in protecting the environment together. In 2020, we joined act4nature international, actively supporting the ten commitments of this initiative to protect, promote and restore biodiversity. In 2018 we established a scientific partnership with UAR Patrimoine Naturel, an umbrella organization bringing together the French National Museum of Natural History, the French Agency for Biodiversity, the Institute of Research and Development (IRD), and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Objectives and progress